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Disclaimer: Below questions are just part of the CPR course, this is not a guarantee to pass the CPR test. Reading of Lifesaving Manual is still neccessary.

A) Which is the largest artery in your body? Ans: Aorta

B) Where does the oxygen and carbon dioxide take place? Ans: Aveoli

1) Before the rescuer attempts to resuscitate the victim by performing EAR/CPR, the following condition should exist:
a. Brain damage
b. Dilated pupils
c. Absence of breath
d. Shallow breathing

2) The most common cause of airway obstruction in the unconscious victim is:
a. Food
b. Tongue
c. Mucus
d. Dentures

3) The first thing that should be done for a collapsed victim of illness or accident is
a. Examine the victim’s mouth for foreign bodies
b. Determine unresponsiveness
c. Perform Heimlich Manoeuvres
d. Open the airway

4) If the airway seems obstructed after the first attempt to give rescue breaths to an unconscious victim, the rescuer should:
a. Reposition the head and attempt rescue breaths again
b. Begin chest compression
c. Go on to check the pulse
d. Check for foreign-body airway obstruction

5) The presence of breathing in an unconscious victim can be determined by:
a. Checking for pupil dilation
b. Checking for discoloration of skin
c. Checking the pulse
d. Look, listen and feel for air exchange

6) If vomiting occurs during the resuscitation effort, the best procedure is to:
a. Activate the Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
b. Stop CPR and wait for help
c. Change to mouth-to-nose rescue breathing
d. Turn victim to side, perform tongue jaw lift and finger sweep

7) A rescuer’s first effort to assure that the victim’s airway is open should be:
a. Attempt to give rescue breaths
b. Head-Tilt, Chin-Lift
c. Clear foreign matter from the mouth
d. Shake and shout “Are you OK?”

8) If breathing does not seem to be present after opening the airway:
a. Begin chest compression
b. Perform pulse check
c. Check for eye pupils
d. Give two rescue breaths

9) The method used for opening the airway is:
a. Head-tilt, chin lift
b Turning the head to one side
c Striking the victim on the back
d. Wiping out the mouth and throat

10) After breaths given by the rescuer, the victim will exhale by:
a. Normal relaxation of the chest
b. Gentle pressure of the rescuer’s hand on the upper chest
c. Compression on the chest
d. Turning victim’s head to the side

11) Gastric distension during CPR is caused by:
a. Air entering the victim’s stomach
b. Inadequate exhalation of the unconscious victim
c Excess fluids in the stomach
d. Too much chest compression force

12) To determine whether an unconscious adult victim has a pulse, the rescuer should feel for the pulse at the:
a. Brachial artery
b. Femoral artery
c. Carotid artery
d. Radial artery

13) To perform chest compression on an adult, one hand is placed on the top of the other with the heel of the lower and pressing:
a Over the lower half of the sternum
b. On the upper third of the sternum
c On the middle of the sternum
d. 2 fingers above the navel

14) Complication that may result from external chest compression even when properly performed include:
a. Punctured lungs
b. Lacerated liver
c. Fractured ribs and sternum
d. All of the above

15) To perform the Heimlich Manoeuvre the rescuer should:
a. Sit on the victim’s ankle
b. Stand behind the victim and deliver upward thrusts on the xiphoid process
c. Stand behind the victim and deliver upward thrusts 2 fingers above the navel (belly
d. Kneel astride the victim’s thighs

16) To determine if there is an obstructed airway in a conscious victim, the rescuer should:
a. Ask the victim “Are you choking?”
b. Shake the victim
c. Reposition the victim
d. Perform 5 abdominal thrusts
17) When performing external chest compression on an adult, the sternum should be depressed
(I inch = 2.5 cm) :
a. 0.5 to 1 inch
b.1 to 1.5 inches
c.1.5 to 2 inches
d. 2 to 2.5 inches

18) If a victim is coughing forcefully with a partial airway obstruction:
a. Check the mouth
b. Give 5 abdominal thrusts
c. Sweep out the mouth
d. Do not interfere

19) Foreign body obstruction of the airway in the adult usually occurs:
a. During sleep
b. During eating
c. During heart attack
d. During exercise

20) In performing CPR, the chest of the child should be compressed (1 inch = 2.5 cm):
a. 0.5 to 1 inch
b. 1 to 1.5 inches
c. 1.5 to 2 inches
d. 2 to 2.5 inches

21) In performing CPR, the chest of the infant should be compressed
(1 inch = 2.5 cm):
a 0.5 to 1 inch
b. 1 to 1.5 inches
c. 1.5 to 2 inches
d. 2 to 2.5 inches

22) If after receiving back blows an infant’s airway is still obstructed:
a Give 5 abdominal thrusts
b. Give 5 additional back blows
c. Give 5 chest thrusts
d. Turn the infant upside down and shake

23) The rescuer should check the infant’s pulse by feeling the:
a. Carotid pulse
b. Brachial pulse
c. Femoral pulse
d. Radial pulse

24) The rate of the chest compression for an infant is at least:
a. 60 times per minute
b. 80 times per minute
c. 100 times per minute
d. 120 times per minute

25) The most common cause of cardiac arrest for the infant and children is:
a. Heart attack
b. Respiratory arrest
c. Electric shock
d. Drowning

26) Failure to ventilate the victim’s lungs adequately can be caused by:
a. Excessive air in the stomach
b. Inadequate head tilt
c. Lack of an airtight seal
d. Any of the above

27) The ratio of compression to ventilation in an infant is:
a. 30 compressions to 5 ventilations
b. 30 compressions to 2 ventilations
c. 5 compressions to 2 ventilations
d. 5 compressions to 1 ventilation

28) The rate of chest compression in a child is:
a. 60 times per minute
b. 80 times per minute
c. 100 times per minule
d. 120 times per minute

29) Rescue breathing for a child with pulse should be performed:
a. 10 times per minute
b. 12 times per minute
c. 15 times per minute
d. 20 times per minute

30) When giving rescue breaths to an infant, take a tight seal between your mouth
and the infant’s:
a. Nose
b. Mouth
c. Nose and mouth
d. None of the above

31) In the resuscitation of infants, ventilation is performed through:
a. The nose exclusively
b. Either the nose or the mouth
c. Both the nose and mouth simultaneously

32) If cardiac arrest is untreated, irreversible brain damage begins within:
a. 4 – 6 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 5 – 10 seconds

33) In attending to an unconscious victim, once the rescuer has established unresponsiveness, the rescuer’s next action is to:
a. Open the airway
b. Activate the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) by calling 995
c. Give 2 ventilations
34) In infant CPR, the rate of chest compression is at:
a. 80 per minute
b. 90 per minute
c. 100 per minute

35) If a conscious infant has complete airway obstruction, the technique to relieve the obstruction is through:
a. A combination of 5 back blows and 5 chest thrust
b. 30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths
c. Performing mouth-to-mouth rescue breathing

36) The purpose of performing head tilt and chin lift is to:
a. Perform foreign body check
b. Listen for breath sounds
c. Open the airway

37) Chest compressions for adult is delivered:
a. On the lower half of the sternum
b. Over the upper half of the sternum
c. On the tip of the sternum

38) Effective external chest compressions in an infant are achieved when the sternum is depressed to a depth of
a. 4 cm
b. 3 cm
c. 2 cm

39) The A-B-C of CPR stands for:
a. Airway, Breathing and CCMB
b. Airway, Brachial and Carotid pulse
c. Airway, Back blows and Chest thrust

40) The correct landmark for performing the abdominal thrust for a conscious victim with a foreign body airway obstruction is:
a. On the upper half of the sternum
b. About 2 fingers above the navel
c. On the lower half of the sternum

41) To establish pulselessness in an infant, the rescuer should palpate the:
a. Femoral artery
b. Carotid artery
c. Brachial artery

42) The normal adult expired air given during CPR mouth-to-mouth breathing contains:
a. 5% oxygen
b. 16% oxygen
c. 21 % oxygen

43) Rescue breathing for an infant is given:
a. Once every 3 seconds
b. Once every 4 seconds
c. Once every 5 seconds
44) The rate of rescue breathing for an adult victim is:
a. 12 breaths per minute
b. 15 breaths per minute
c. 20 breaths per minute

45) Gastric distension is caused by:
a. High volume of air and too fast ventilation flow rate
b. Moderate volume of air and too slow ventilation rate
c. Low volume of air and too fast ventilation rate

46) The pulse of the victim suspected to be in cardiac arrest should be checked:
a. Immediately after opening the airway
b. After the 1st 2 ventilations
c. Before the 1st 2 ventilations are being given

47) Chest compression is instituted when there is an absence of:
a. Carotid pulse
b. Respiration
c. Consciousness

48) You are alone and come across an elderly woman slumped over in a chair. What
is your 1st action?
a. Shout for help to attract attention
b. Gently tap the woman to establish unresponsiveness
c. Dial 995 to activate EMS

49) In an adult CPR, each ventilation should be delivered within:
a 1 second
b. 2 seconds
c. 3 seconds

50) Effective rescue breathing is indicated by:
a. An inflated abdomen
b. The rise and fall of the chest wall
c. Pinpoint pupils


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. B
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. C
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. C
  35. A
  36. C
  37. A
  38. C
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. B
  43. A
  44. A
  45. A
  46. B
  47. A
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B